Fall Encino Open MRI
By Categories: blogPublished On: October 5th, 2015

As the summer season turns into autumn, many people can become overly stressed. Sending the kids back to school and transitioning into new fall schedules can produce a certain amount of anxiety that can easily lead to a decreased immunity system. We can become more susceptible to colds, flu, and other health issues. As the holidays begin to approach, our stress levels seem to continue rising. Here are six helpful tips from Encino Open MRI to help you stay healthy well into the New Year.

1. Drink lots of water.

Even though the temperatures are beginning to drop, autumn is the beginning of the dry season.   It is important to stay hydrated. In the excessive heat of summer, it’s much easier to remember to drink lots of water. Increased water intake can boost our immunity system, relieve back pain from raking leaves and other yard work, and prevent many types of chronic illness throughout the entire year.

2. Get lots of fresh air.

Just because it’s getting a bit chillier outside doesn’t mean that we have to isolate ourselves in our homes until springtime. Take short walks around the block or sit outside on the patios for a few minutes each day while breathing deeply into your abdominal region. Deep breathing exercises help to relieve stress, exercise our internal organs, and improve our immunity systems as well.

3. Eat seasonal fruits and veggies.

Autumn is that time of year when many types of squash and fresh fruit are readily available at the local farmers market or grocery store. Don’t be afraid to add these into your daily diet for a bit of diversity. Squash and pumpkin are high in Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other nutrients that can safeguard the body from cold and flu season.

4. Keep moving.

When the temperatures begin to dip, we can easily become complacent about our exercise routine. It’s more important than ever before to maintain or start a fitness program in the autumn months. The decreased sunlight can sometimes lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), causing mood swings and even chronic depression. Exercise also helps to keep the immune system working in top form.

5. Stay rested.

Fall is a great time of the year to catch up on our sleep. Prepare yourself for the short daylight hours, and take advantage of this extra downtime. Get plenty of rest to keep your immunity system strong and your stress levels low.

6. Consider acupuncture.

Many people receive acupuncture treatments during the changes of season to prevent mood swings and boost the immune system. Statistics show that those who receive acupuncture treatments have shorter and less frequent hospital visits.

Taking care of your health is always important, but many of us have a more difficult time during the change of season. As the holidays approach, many of us will be attending a greater number of social events and parties than usual.   By focusing on these six basic tips, you can feel stronger and healthier well into spring.

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