Winter Health Encino Open MRI
By Categories: blogPublished On: December 14th, 2015

Winter is unavoidable, whether you embrace the change or loathe the season. Fortunately, Encino Open MRI has provided some helpful tips to make the transition a little easier. These tips are designed to keep you emotionally, physically, and mentally strong during the seasonal transition.

Get your annual flu shot 

Although most people are more concerned with the pain of the needle prick than the potential health benefits of getting a flu shot, statistics show that the minor inconvenience of the needle prick is far outweighed by the potential health benefits of the shot. Every year, thousands of people die from complications associated with the common flu, and hundreds of thousands more are hospitalized because of the effects of the flu. Avoid all this and get your annual flu shot.

Get more vitamin D in your life

Vitamin D, which occurs naturally from the rays of the sun, can be decreased in the winter because of the lack of sunshine. As such, especially in the winter, it is important to get a supplemental dose of Vitamin D. This can be accomplished in various ways, however, one of the most sure-fire ways to guarantee that you have a healthy dose of Vitamin D in the winter is to take a supplemental dose or to perform various activities that increase Vitamin D levels, including eating fatty fish, and exercising when the sun’s out.

Vitamin D

Get involved in a social-type class 

Winter can have an effect on emotional health, including feelings of loneliness and isolation. Counteract those naturally occurring feelings by signing up for a community college class that involves a non-stressful activity, like yoga or sign language.

Take care of your skin

A little known fact is that the sun’s rays are just as harmful in the winter as in the summer. While so many people dedicate effort to protecting their skin during the summer, not many people dedicate the same effort to protecting their skin in the winter. Ultraviolet rays are just as strong in the winter, so apply sunscreen perennially.

Eat your plants

Eating raw plants is a great way to get a healthy source of essential vitamins, including omega-3s, and fiber. It is important that the plant be consumed raw, thus preserving the healthy aspect of the chemical composition. Check with your local market for the in-season sales.

For more information about winter health, please contact Encino Open MRI at (818)986-4786.