According to Woodland Hills Open MRI, any cancer patients suffer from malnutrition, especially when they are undergoing chemotherapy. Unfortunately, malnutrition can very much so negatively affect the outcome of the treatment. For that reason, we felt it was very important to compile a list of 4 foods that one should eat while undergoing chemotherapy.
1. Foods Rich in Protein
Protein is an essential building block that the body utilizes to keep the body going. It is like fuel for a car. For that reason, when undergoing chemotherapy, it is very important to keep the body supplied with sufficient levels of protein. However, as a caveat, cancer patients should stay away from red and processed meats, as those meats have been shown to be clearly linked to cancer.
Eat lots of lean meats, like fish, turkey, and chicken as well as plants that are rich in protein, like almonds, soy and peanuts.
2. Whole Grain Foods
Whole grains are valuable on multiple levels. They offer essential vitamins that aid the body in self-reparation. Chemotherapy can greatly affect the digestive tract, causing such problems as diarrhea and constipation. Eating whole grains is a great way to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
Eating foods like pretzels and crackers are a great way to maintain calories that give the body fuel and prevent weight loss.
3. Healthy Fats
One of the biggest obstacles facing patients undergoing chemotherapy is weigh toss. Chemotherapy tends to curb the appetite. The consumption of healthy fats is a great source of calories and proteins. Try eating avocados, olive oil, nuts and fatty fish.
4. Drink Fluid
Undergoing chemotherapy can lead to enhanced feelings of dehydration. For that reason, we recommend drinking a high volume of liquids. It is recommended that people undergoing chemotherapy should drink between 8 and 12 glasses of water a day. Also, to prevent dehydration, one should suck on ice chips, which has the combined effect of rehydrating, and keeping the body cool.